Go Tell It On the Mountain
Peter, Paul & Mary
R: | GDo tell it on the mountain Aover the hill and Deverywhere go tell it on the mountain tGo lDet my pAeople gDo. |
1: | WhAo's that yonder drDessed in red let my people go mAust be the children that MDoses led let my people go whAo's that yonder drDessed in red mAust be the children that MDoses led gAo tell it on the mDountHmain tGo lDet my pAeople gDo. |
2: | Who's that yonder dressed in white let my people go must be the children of the Israelite let my people go who's that yonder dressed in white must be the children of the Israelite go tell it on the mountain to let my people go. |
3: | Who's that yonder dressed in black let my people go must be the hypocrites turnin' back let my people go who's that yonder dressed in black must be the hypocrites turnin' back. |
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Datum vytvoření :2013-12-20T20:12:13.076+00:00
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